Σάββατο 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Nederlands Flemish Institue in Cairo, Multidisciplinary Conference on the Sinai Desert. Abstracts


• Alexandrani Ismail, Religious and Ideological Motivations in the Armed Conflicts Modern Sinai
• Dunne Bryony, The Orchard Keepers 
• Justin Hierom., The Library of Sinai: A Treasure for Sharing
• Foukaneli Georgia, Ad Montem Sinai: Pilgrims in South Sinai during the Early Christian and the Medieval Period. The Evidence of Written Sources, Archaeological Remains and Votives
• Fyssas Nikolaos, A Sinai Tale of Diplomats and Scholars: The Case of Codex Sinaiticus
• Galanos Amerimni – Dogani Yianna, Conservation Issues of the Justinian Structures at the Monastery of St.Catherine in Sinai 
• Haring Ben, The Sinai Alphabet: Current State of Research
• Jacobs Jessica, Development, Tourism and Bedouins
• Jong Rudolf (de), Bedouin Dialects in Sinai
• Kasimis Basil, Research and Studies on the Structural Performance of the Justinian Fortress Walls
• Koufopoulos Petros – Myriantheos-Koufopoulou Marina, Research, Studies
and Restoration Work at the Monastery of Sinai (1985 – 2013)
• Koufopoulos Petros – Myriantheos-Koufopoulou Marina, From the “Skete of the Bush” to Justinian’s Monastery: The Original Form of Buildings and Life in Sinai during the Early Years
• Manginis George, Pillar of Fire or Dust? Jabal Mūsā in the Nineteenth Century
• Meshel Zeev, The Excavation at Kuntillet ‘Ajrud, an Iron-Age II Religious Site in Sinai (not in conference) 
• Mourelatos Dionysios, The Sinaitic Icon Collection: Its History and Its Modern
• Nardi Roberto – Zizola Chiara, Conservation of the 6th Century Mosaic of the Transfiguration
• Olszewski Marek, Titien Mosaics from the House of Nestor in Sheikh Zuweid. Iconography and its Program: Recapitulation
• Panayotidi Maria – Kalopissi-Verti, Sophia Excavations on the Holy Summit and at the Site East-Southeast of St. Catherine’s Monastery in South Sinai (read by Dr. Nikolaos Fyssas)
• Pickwoad Nicholas, The World Comes to Sinai: International Connections in the Collection of Printed Books in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine in Sinai
• Rashid Ahmad, Preserving the Traditions and Cultural Heritage of the Jebeliya Bedouin in a Changing World
• Shalaby Nora, Early Copper and Turquoise Mining in Sinai: Site and Materials Study of Wadi Maghara
• Spalinger Anthony, Gaza and the Sinai: The Transfer of the Logistical Staging Point from the Delta to Palestine
• Stewart Frank Henderson, Bedouin Customary Law: The Visiting Husband Revisited
• Van Loon Gertrud, Hammâm Faraûn