Πέμπτη 7 Ιουλίου 2022

Марјоновић Драгољуб, Прилог проучавању структуре и значаја Доментијановог описа поклоништва Светог Саве на Синају 1234. године / Marjanović Dragoljub, A contribution to the study of the structure and significance of Domentijan's account of St. Sava's pilgrimage to mt. Sinai in the year 1234


Marjanović Dragoljub, 
A contribution to the study of the structure and significance of Domentijan's account of St. Sava's pilgrimage to mt. Sinai in the year 1234

In this paper we aim to present that the narrative about St. Sava's pilgrimage to Mt. Sinai which the monk Domentijan composed as a part of his Life of St. Sava, has indeed much broader and deeper implications for the entire image of St. Sava in his Life. Through comparison of the first Serbian archbishop with the Old Testament prophet Moses, and image of Sava's personal re-living of Moses's experience of seeing and speaking to God on Sinai, of which Domentijan provides a complex narrative in his work, he as a hagiographer defines the nature and identity of the newly established Serbian autocephalous church and the Serbian nation as part of the ecclesiastical organization in the Serbian lands defining it as a new nation, or perfect nation and Christnamed nation in the conception of New Israel and its immersion in the Christian oikoumene of the Orthodox East of the 13th century.