Παρασκευή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
Τετάρτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2023
Τρίτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Περιοδικό «Εικόνες», Το Σινά
• Μανόλης Χατζηδάκης, Θησαυροί Τέχνης και Ευλάβειας στη μονή του Σινά
• Μαρία Καραβία,Ένα κάστρο μέσα στη φλεγόμενη ερημιά· κάστρο της Ορθοδοξίας
Δευτέρα 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2022
Παρασκευή 21 Οκτωβρίου 2022
Τρίτη 19 Ιουλίου 2022
Живковић Милош, Триптих из манастира Свете Катарине на Синају / Živković Miloš, Triptych from Saint Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai – an Unknown Work of Old Serbian Icon Painting
Živković Miloš
Triptych from Saint Catherine's Monastery at Sinai - an unknown work of old Serbian Icon Painting
Relations between Serbia and the famous monastery аn Sinai, which was ded- icated to the Mother of God since its founding in the 6th century, and to St. Cather- ine from the end of the 15th or the beginning of the 16th century, were continuous and very intensive during the Middle Ages. One important aspect of
Πέμπτη 7 Ιουλίου 2022
Јањић Драгана – Јанићијевић Горан, Синаити – монашке заједнице у средњовековној Србији / Janjić Dragana J. – Janićijević Goran M., Sinaites - monastic communities in medieval Serbia
Janjić Dragana J. – Janićijević Goran M., Sinaites - monastic communities in medieval Serbia
The more widely comprehended term of hesychasm became a generally accepted principle and starting point, and the representatives of this current resolutely embarked on reforms of both national culture (literature - Jevtimije Trnovski) and church life (liturgical reforms of Philoteus Kokinos). It can therefore be considered that the "hesychastic renaissance" of the ancient church tradition took place "on the wings of Sinaitic heritage" until the reign of despot Stefan Lazarević in the Serbian territory.
Проловић Јадранка, Илуминиранo српскo Четворојеванђеље са Синаја (Cod. Sinait. slav. 1) / Prolović Jadranka, The Illuminated Serbian Gospel of Sinai (Cod. Sinait. slav. 1)
Prolović Jadranka, The Illuminated Serbian Gospel of Sinai (Cod. Sinait. slav. 1)
The illuminated Serbian Gospel (Cod. sinait. slav. 1) — a parchment manuscript decorated with miniatures and initials, and kept in the Monastery St. Catharine’s at Sinai — has gone almost unnoticed. Of the four miniatures of
Станковић Влада, Краљ Милутин и Синај / Stanković Vlada, King Milutin and Sinai
Stanković Vlada,
King Milutin and Sinai
Serbian Archbishop Danilo II (1324–1337), the writer of the Life of St. King Milutin, his patron, has
Митровић Катарина, Краљица Јелена и Синајска Гора / Mitrović Katarina, Queen Helen and Mount Sinai
Mitrović Katarina, Queen Helen and Mount Sinai
In one of his lectures given at the University of Belgrade in February 1925, Tihomir R. Đorđević pointed out that the Serbian Queen Helen, with her sons, kings Dragutin and Milutin, had richly
Јечменица Дејан, Срби и Богородица Синајска у XIII и XIV веку / Ječmenica Dejan, Serbs and the Mount Sinai Monastery in the XIII and XIV centuries
Ječmenica Dejan,
Serbs and the Mount Sinai Monastery in the XIII and XIV centuries
The Mount Sinai Monastery has been built at the place where, according to the Bible, God appeared before Moses. It is considered one of the Christian's most sacred places. Since the age of Serbian Archbishop Sava I, we can trace relations between
Турилов Анатолий, Сербские тексты XIII – XIV вв. в синайских рукописях несербского происхождения / Turilov Anatoly, Serbian texts of the XIII – XIV centuries in the Sinai Manuscripts of non-Serbian origin
Turilov Anatoly,
Serbian texts of the XIII – XIV centuries in the Sinai Manuscripts of non-Serbian origin
The article is devoted to a little-studied issue – Serbian texs of the 13th and 14th centuries in non-Serbian (Russian and Bulgarian) manuscripts kept in the library of the Sinai Monastery, and in the 19th century found themselves in the Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg. The first of them (prayer of
Бојовић Драгиша, Савин силазак са Горе или: Доментијаново синајско огледало / Bojović Dragiša, Sava's descent from the Mount or: Domentian's Sinai mirror
Bojović Dragiša,
Sava's descent from the Mount or: Domentian's Sinai mirror
The paper discusses St. Sava's trip to Mount Sinai, which he visited during his second travel to the Holy Land. Particular attention is paid to the symbolism of Sava's descent from the Mount, and to the ideas pointed out in Domentian's Praise of St. Sava, which has a specific function in both "The Life of St. Sava" and the aforementioned work. The description and praise are also considered as part of the idea of "the new Israel", which was not new in Serbian medieval literature, but would be given the strongest emphasis precisely by Domentian. The final part of the paper stresses the importance of a Theotokological and Christological framework for the description of Sava's stay on Mount Sinai.
Марјоновић Драгољуб, Прилог проучавању структуре и значаја Доментијановог описа поклоништва Светог Саве на Синају 1234. године / Marjanović Dragoljub, A contribution to the study of the structure and significance of Domentijan's account of St. Sava's pilgrimage to mt. Sinai in the year 1234
Marjanović Dragoljub,
A contribution to the study of the structure and significance of Domentijan's account of St. Sava's pilgrimage to mt. Sinai in the year 1234
In this paper we aim to present that the narrative about St. Sava's pilgrimage to Mt. Sinai which the
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